Business report for
An ISI certified company "Bansal Alloys.." Steel is carving its niche in the steel sector through quality commitment, cost efficiency and prompt delivery of the goods. The commitment and strict adherence to the quality standards truly backed by continuous efforts towards improvement in performance standards have not only enabled us be a ISI licensed entrepreneur certification but have also enabled us to receive recognition from prestigious institutions from all the segments whether Government or Private. “BansalAlloys” is the outcome of a dedicated team consisting of efficient professionals who are not only technically strong but are well versed in commercial matters too. The team is a unique mixture of experience & technology ensuring quality adherence at all levels, with high end technology in the production for maximum work ability and cost effectiveness. The Plant of “BansalAlloys” at MandiGobindgarh, Punjab is a modern plant of its kind in engineering technology in northern region, whose hallmarks is quality, which is equipped with a state of the art machinery to manufacture the desired quality and has all the modern testing facilities to ensure that only the quality product reaches its esteemed clients.
Company information
SIC 3325 -
2 more SIC codes
1 location in Mandi Gobindgarh, India
1 verified employee of BANSAL ALLOYS AND METALS PRIVATE LIMITED on Tradefox
Tradefox Trust Score
The Tradefox Score is the only system in the world that assesses the trading reputations of companies buying or selling scrap, like BANSAL ALLOYS AND METALS PRIVATE LIMITED, to help you identify trusted global trade partners. We weight the following attributes, based on importance, to form the score:
  • Trade history from strategic global ports
  • Peer reviews of the company
  • Trade feedback from the company's trading partners
  • How long the company has been in business
  • Current company assets
  • Membership of major trade associations
  • Web presence
  • Verification
Reputation and feedback
BANSAL ALLOYS AND METALS PRIVATE LIMITED is a member of 1 industry associations and has 2 certifications.
3 companies rated the overall trustworthiness of BANSAL ALLOYS AND METALS PRIVATE LIMITED. 51 ratings from buyers of their integrity, 2 ratings on how they handle quality claims, and 51 ratings of their payments handling.
  • Ferrous
  • Batteries
Market analysis
Sales volume
Local currency (Indian Rupee):
US Dollars:
Trades per month
Trades in the last year:
Average trades per month:
Top Trading Partners
Total trading partners:
Company NameRoleNr. of trades% of total trades
Jagdamba General Trading LimitedExporter186
Jagdamba General Trading LimitedExporter186
Jagdamba General Trading LimitedExporter186
Jagdamba General Trading LimitedExporter186
Jagdamba General Trading LimitedExporter186
Trade History
Counter PartyDescriptionRouteDest.
Kans International Limitedheavy melting scrap as per isri code:200 to 206 psic no: psicddigxx278550am24 dt: 21.02.2024IN 
GLOBAL METCORP LIMITEDshredded steel scrap as per isri-211 psic no: psicmelxxx251200am24 dt: 01.12.2023shredded steel scrap as per isri-211IN 
Kans International Limitedheavy melting scrap as per isri code:200 to 206 psic no: psicddigxx278550am24 dt: 21.02.2024IN 
GLOBAL METCORP LIMITEDshredded steel scrap as per isri-211 psic no: psicmelxxx251200am24 dt: 01.12.2023shredded steel scrap as per isri-211IN 
Kans International Limitedheavy melting scrap as per isri code:200 to 206 psic no: psicddigxx278550am24 dt: 21.02.2024IN 
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