Business report for
ASCE Group
With the continuous development of construction sphere in RA it was required to meet the demand of imported steel rebars with domestic production. For that purpose “ASCE GROUP” Open Joint-Stock Company based on “HayAvto” AM Charentsavan “Avtodzul” factory started the production of steel preforms for the further production of rebars in 2007. Along with the mitigation of the global economic crisis in 2011 the Company signed contracts with “Siemens VAI” to upgrade the Company with new molding and rolling equipments for steel rebars’ production, as well as for the modernization of existing equipments.
Company information
1 location in Charentsavan, Armenia
1 verified employee of ASCE Group on Tradefox
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  • Trade history from strategic global ports
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ASCE Group deals in:
  • Ferrous
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