Business report for
Nordic raw materials ab
NRM AB is a family owned company Since, 1988, we have been working diligently and become One of the fastest growing companies in scrap metals trading in Sweden , Europe. Our work to recycle metals for re-use began with our parent company, Indo-Swedish Business Development AB (ISBD AB) but has now been streamlined within the completely owned subsidiary company Nordic Raw Materials AB. Initially, focus was on stainless steel, copper, brass, zinc and aluminium but over time our handling and trade in iron and steel scrap has grown so that it now represents approximately half our turnover. The establishment of our own scrap yard is an important step in the strategic development of NRM. It means that we can now also purchase smaller items that can be sorted, processed and kept in stock in order to create attractive volumes for efficient transportation to global buyers. At the same time, this allows us to increase our presence in the market and to further expand our network. To meet the increasing demands of metals and metals Recycling within home country and in the international market,NRM AB has a great facility with professional workers to serve.
Company information
SIC 5093 -
1 location in Landskrona, Sweden
Lalit Upadhyaya
11 - 25 total employees
Tradefox Trust Score
The Tradefox Score is the only system in the world that assesses the trading reputations of companies buying or selling scrap, like Nordic raw materials ab, to help you identify trusted global trade partners. We weight the following attributes, based on importance, to form the score:
  • Trade history from strategic global ports
  • Peer reviews of the company
  • Trade feedback from the company's trading partners
  • How long the company has been in business
  • Current company assets
  • Membership of major trade associations
  • Web presence
  • Verification
Reputation and feedback
Nordic raw materials ab is a member of 1 industry associations and has 0 certifications.
5 companies rated the overall trustworthiness of Nordic raw materials ab.
Nordic raw materials ab deals in:
  • 4 types of Ferrous, including Shredded Steel Scrap ISRI 211
  • 2 types of Aluminium, including Shredded Aluminum
  • 2 types of Stainless Steel, including Stainless 304 2 more categories and 2 more materials.
Market analysis
Sales volume
Local currency (Swedish Krona):
US Dollars:
Trades per month
Trades in the last year:
Average trades per month:
Top Trading Partners
Total trading partners:
Company NameRoleNr. of trades% of total trades
Inox StahlImporter41
Inox StahlImporter41
Inox StahlImporter41
Inox StahlImporter41
Inox StahlImporter41
Trade History
Counter PartyDescriptionRouteDest.
shredded aluminium scrap zorba as per isri hs code76020010 net weight xxxx. kgs *iec no 0305061542, gstin 27aajcs3980r1zd pan no aaj cs3980r e-mail id 
Baheti Recycling Industries Limited(BAHETI METAL AND FERRO ALLOYS LIMITED)aluminium scrap taint tabor / toto / twitch as per isriIN 
shredded aluminium scrap zorba as per isri hs code76020010 net weight xxxx. kgs *iec no 0305061542, gstin 27aajcs3980r1zd pan no aaj cs3980r e-mail id 
Baheti Recycling Industries Limited(BAHETI METAL AND FERRO ALLOYS LIMITED)aluminium scrap taint tabor / toto / twitch as per isriIN 
shredded aluminium scrap zorba as per isri hs code76020010 net weight xxxx. kgs *iec no 0305061542, gstin 27aajcs3980r1zd pan no aaj cs3980r e-mail id 
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