Business report for
MK Trade LTD
M&K Trade Limited has been operating in the Middle East for the past 15 years and in 2014 has established a new branch here in the UK. Our aim is to be the number one supplier of high quality latex gloves to wholesalers and retailers. The main way we intend to achieve this is by offering our products at competitive prices combined with an outstanding customer service and prompt delivery.
Company information
1 location in Teknik Ve Melslek Lis Ankara, Turkey
1 verified employee of MK Trade LTD on Tradefox
Tradefox Trust Score
The Tradefox Score is the only system in the world that assesses the trading reputations of companies buying or selling scrap, like MK Trade LTD, to help you identify trusted global trade partners. We weight the following attributes, based on importance, to form the score:
  • Trade history from strategic global ports
  • Peer reviews of the company
  • Trade feedback from the company's trading partners
  • How long the company has been in business
  • Current company assets
  • Membership of major trade associations
  • Web presence
  • Verification
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