Business report for
The company AVE CZ waste management Ltd. operates in the Czech Republic since 1993. Market of waste management services and waste management, we are mainly concerned municipal services, industrial plants, rehabilitation of old environmental burdens and facility management. Among the specific activities of the company AVE CZ include: Removal and disposal of municipal and commercial waste collection and utilization of sorted waste (sorted waste) purchase of separate waste / Recycling Removal and disposal of hazardous waste site decontamination Summer cleaning and winter maintenance of roads, traffic signs cleaning of industrial plants maintenance of urban green operation of collecting yards collection of bulky waste consultancy in the field of waste management Facility Management: indoor and outdoor cleaning, indoor and outdoor cleaning. service Market services for waste management and waste management are dealing primarily municipal services, industrial plants, rehabilitation of old environmental burdens and facility managementem.Kompletní our portfolio of services can be found under the various icons. AVE CZ provides regular and individual transport of sorted waste. We have our own sorting lines, which form the terminal system for the collection of separated household waste from surrounding towns and villages. After sorting waste according to quality leads to its compression and subsequent material utilization. In the vast majority of sites are located separation of three containers for waste sorting of usable components of municipal waste with this generic definition: Blue container serves for collecting the paper. These include: unpolluted dry paper Cardboard cardboard magazines books, notebooks Net wrapping paper office paper Yellow container serves for the collection of plastic. These include: PET bottles bottles of cosmetics and household chemicals plastic film plastic bags polystyrene small plastic products and packaging Green container serves to collect glass. These include: white and colored bottles of beverages Large shards of glass plate glass glass bottles Thank you for sorting waste and contribute to the improvement of the environment. Sorted waste AVE CZ ensure the collection and use of your separated waste throughout the Czech Republic. We have modern equipment and adequate facilities to meet your requirements for the frequency and volume of waste collection.
Company information
SIC 5093 -
5 more SIC codes
1 location in Plzen, Czech Republic
1 more location
26 - 50 total employees
1 verified employee of AVE SBERNE SUROVINY A.S. on Tradefox
Tradefox Trust Score
The Tradefox Score is the only system in the world that assesses the trading reputations of companies buying or selling scrap, like AVE SBERNE SUROVINY A.S., to help you identify trusted global trade partners. We weight the following attributes, based on importance, to form the score:
  • Trade history from strategic global ports
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  • Verification
  • 7 types of Plastic, including ABS
  • 6 types of Ferrous, including HMS 1
  • 4 types of Copper, including ISRI Barley 6 more categories and 5 more materials.
Market analysis
Sales volume
Local currency (Czech Koruna):
US Dollars:
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