Business report for
Gemini Corporation NV
Gemini Corporation is a sourcing, inspecting and logistics company for recyclable/renewable and second choice/stocklot materials. It is headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium with an employee basis of over 200+ specialists, based in associated offices spread over Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Our wide geographical spread and presence in several markets allows us to provide our suppliers with new markets and our customers with new sourcing opportunities. Our own team of quality inspectors, trained and developed in-house, ensure our customers receive nothing less than what we commit to deliver. Our expertise in multi-modal logistics ensures efficient and timely delivery. With our partnership, producers of recyclables & second choice/ stocklot and finished products can concentrate on what they do best =>produce; while we do for them what we know how to do best => make the market. Gemini’s motto is “ The whole world is a small village”.
Company information
SIC 5072 -
5 more SIC codes
1 location in Antwerp, Belgium
Vedprakash Lata
101 - 200 total employees
8 verified employees of Gemini Corporation NV on Tradefox
Tradefox Trust Score
The Tradefox Score is the only system in the world that assesses the trading reputations of companies buying or selling scrap, like Gemini Corporation NV, to help you identify trusted global trade partners. We weight the following attributes, based on importance, to form the score:
  • Trade history from strategic global ports
  • Peer reviews of the company
  • Trade feedback from the company's trading partners
  • How long the company has been in business
  • Current company assets
  • Membership of major trade associations
  • Web presence
  • Verification
Reputation and feedback
Gemini Corporation NV is a member of 3 industry associations and has 0 certifications.
61 companies rated the overall trustworthiness of Gemini Corporation NV. 545 ratings from buyers of their integrity, 30 ratings on how they handle quality claims, and 547 ratings of their material quality.
Gemini Corporation NV deals in:
  • Stainless Steel
  • Tool Steel
  • Special Alloys 2 more categories
Market analysis
Sales volume
Local currency (Euro):
US Dollars:
Trades per month
Trades in the last year:
Average trades per month:
Top Trading Partners
Total trading partners:
Company NameRoleNr. of trades% of total trades
Trade History
Counter PartyDescriptionRouteDest.
Dhaka Bank Limitedferrous waste and scrapBD 
SHREE SHYAMSUNDER ALLOYS PRIVATE LIMITEDstainless steel melting scrap grade 201IN 
Dhaka Bank Limitedferrous waste and scrapBD 
SHREE SHYAMSUNDER ALLOYS PRIVATE LIMITEDstainless steel melting scrap grade 201IN 
Dhaka Bank Limitedferrous waste and scrapBD 
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