Business report for
Peoples Steel Mills Ltd is a world class alloy and special steel manufacturing plant located in Karachi, Pakistan. It was set-up by the Government of Pakistan in 1975 with Japanese assistance. Peoples Steel enjoys the highest market share in the alloy and special steel market of Pakistan. A diversified base of customers includes high profile illustrious end users in automotive, defense, machinery construction, special/high rise buildings, transportation and engineering sectors. Components manufactured from our steels are supplied by our customers to renowned European & Japanese automobile manufactures.
Company information
SIC 3315 -
5 more SIC codes
1 location in Karachi, Pakistan
1 more location
1,001 - 5,000 total employees
3 verified employees of PEOPLES STEEL MILLS LIMITED on Tradefox
Tradefox Trust Score
The Tradefox Score is the only system in the world that assesses the trading reputations of companies buying or selling scrap, like PEOPLES STEEL MILLS LIMITED, to help you identify trusted global trade partners. We weight the following attributes, based on importance, to form the score:
  • Trade history from strategic global ports
  • Peer reviews of the company
  • Trade feedback from the company's trading partners
  • How long the company has been in business
  • Current company assets
  • Membership of major trade associations
  • Web presence
  • Verification
Reputation and feedback
14 companies rated the overall trustworthiness of PEOPLES STEEL MILLS LIMITED. 2 ratings from buyers of their integrity, 0 ratings on how they handle quality claims, and 1 ratings of their payments handling.
  • 21 types of Ferrous, including Blue Steel
  • 5 types of Precious metals, including Molybdenum
  • 1 type of Stainless Steel - Stainless 4 more categories and 3 more materials.
Market analysis
Sales volume
Local currency (Pakistani Rupee):
US Dollars:
Trades per month
Trades in the last year:
Average trades per month:
Top Trading Partners
Total trading partners:
Company NameRoleNr. of trades% of total trades
Midas Global LimitedExporter18
Midas Global LimitedExporter18
Midas Global LimitedExporter18
Midas Global LimitedExporter18
Midas Global LimitedExporter18
Trade History
Counter PartyDescriptionRouteDest.
i mak reduktor varyator sanayiworm geared motPK 
Zibo Jinggan Refractory Import And Export Co.60 pkgs of ingot casting bricks 1. centre brick type 1 qty : 300 nos 2. funnel bricks (thov 290) qty : 300 nos 3. funnel tube bricks (tr2 k 270) qty : 1200 nos 4. runner bPK 
i mak reduktor varyator sanayiworm geared motPK 
Zibo Jinggan Refractory Import And Export Co.60 pkgs of ingot casting bricks 1. centre brick type 1 qty : 300 nos 2. funnel bricks (thov 290) qty : 300 nos 3. funnel tube bricks (tr2 k 270) qty : 1200 nos 4. runner bPK 
i mak reduktor varyator sanayiworm geared motPK 
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